Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Marina Spinell Project: Physical Fashion Booklet

Marina Spinell: Fashion Booklet Design Layout

This is the cover design for my client's fashion booklet. The length is A4 size and it will fold into A5 size. I design based on my client requirements, in terms of color, font, logo and etc.

This is the first and second page of the booklet.

This is the third and fourth page, the page layout design was inspired by my client's garment. Manipulate different type of paint patterns to splash over at the background to match with the drawings and garment. All the drawing material was from my clients, i photographed it, crop and place it thoughtfully into the layout.

This is the fifth and sixth page, the page layout design was inspired by the garment itself as well. I felt the futuristic vibe from my client's garment, so i decided to design a futuristic layout for the pages. i use black and neon color because its go well with the drawings and garment.

This is the seventh and eighth page, the page layout was inspired by bloody war. Thus, i mix silver (with material pattern) with faded orange blood color behind, and the splash pattern is dripping down like blood dripping from wound. I tend to design a simple layout because i don't want it to outshine the garment.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Marina Spinell Project: Promotional Video.

These are the Marina Spinell Project's promotional videos that i directed and produced. Basically i done everything on my own from directing to editing. Marina Spinell, she is a Fashion Student at MMU Art School and also happen to be one of my clients. She wanted to have a sequel of promotional videos and fashion brochure that someday she can use as a platform to present to the potential companies that she might interested to work in. 

I have to say Marina Spinell, is a very inspirational fashion student and it is a fun ride working with her. 

The promotional videos below, it's not at a professional level. However, i did whatever i can to make it perfect. Not to mention, because while i'm filming and producing these videos. I was walking with crutches and limping because i sprained my ankle during my volleyball tournament in such a bad timing. Therefore, some cut scene might seen shaky because i couldn't walk normally and I'm barring the pain.

Project MS - My Background

Project MS - The Art of War

Project MS - Skater Jacket

Project MS - Faces Dress

Official Logo!

IS OFFICIAL!! i got my first logo design. This logo will appear in most of my work such as video production, graphic design and etc.

Black background version!

Software Demonstrated: Photoshop CSC and Illustrator CSC

I design this logo for final project of my degree. Stay tune! will be posting soon!!


Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Brand Extension (Concept Ideas) : Viril & Seduis by Christian Louboutin

Brand Logo: Seduis (Feminine in French) & Viril (Masculine in French)

The colors use for the logo are inspired by the classic heels by Christian Louboutin, the designer himself tend to use black and red color as the color of his shoes design, and it became so significant to his brand. The most significant part of his brand and design are the 'Red Soles', and it have been trademarked.

Black- The color black relates to the hidden, the secretive and the unknown, and as a result it creates an air of mystery. It keeps things bottled up insides, hidden from the world.

Red - Red color is a warm and positive color associated with our most physical needs and our will to survive. It exudes a strong and powerful.
This is the perfume bottle design for female. With a dangerous (not harmful at all) spiky vibe look of the cup. The spiky look idea was extracted from the designer's shoes design. One of his popular shoes are spiky shoes.

This is the perfume bottle design for male. The inspiration come from masculine physic of a guy, 70% of the male around the world do want to have a body shape of broad shoulder and fit waist, and it looks like a triangle.

Draft Design for Fall/Winter Collection for Seduis. Design matching with the top selling Fall/Winter Collection.

Draft Design for Fall/Winter Collection for Viril. Design Matching with the popular Fall/Winter Collection sneakers.

Draft Website Design for Spring/Summer Collection.

Software Demonstrated: Photoshop CS6

This is the most exciting work i done so far and also one of the best achievement. As i remembered i learned to use photoshop for just a month, and i want to push myself further. Thus, i googled how to design 3D bottle tutorial and design my own.

Thing is i didn't get any marks for this portfolio design for my assignment but most important thing that i achieve something that i never thought i will. =)

Frozy Fruzy Frozen Yogurt Container Design.

300ml - Container Design

800ml - Container Design

Software Demonstrated - Photoshop CSC

This is a design i did it for one of my friends, she was doing a marketing assignment where she needed to advertised and build up a company. So the company basically is a frozen yogurt company, and she ask me for a favour if i can design a eye- catching container for her assignment.